I've been spending hours in this website trying to find the perfect font for the masthead. I want it to be relatable with the whole organic aspect of the magazine. Up until now I have narrowed it down to 7 beautiful fonts, and after fighting for a long time with my computer I finally got to download them.
Here they are:
Now, My favorite fonts are the ones in white because they give more like an earthy feel to the name. I want the magazine to encompass all the aspects of the organic products and lifestyle. My vision is seeing my customers reading through my pages and feeling that the content that I'm providing stays true to the natural side of food. So, regarding the mastheads, I want it to have a rusty appearance, like it is in fact a raw sketch, no defined or sharp lines in order for it to belong with what I'm intending to provide my audience through content and pictures.
As to the color of the masthead I'm still ambivalent. Since I want the title to reflect the genre as an organic culinary magazine, I don't know yet what direction should I go. Especially since all fruits and vegetables are extremely colorful, I could either choose any vibrant color or I could go towards the direction of the greens and browns to incorporate earth colors in the cover.

A quick confession, I'm actually very scared of choosing a font and a color for the masthead because that's the first impression that readers have when picking up a magazine. According to an article by BBC, topography in texts or titles is extremely important when trying to reach an audience. In the article, Julie Strawson who is the director of Monotype that is an international type-design company said that the importance typography goes all the way back towards the Greeks, she said "The Greeks created handwriting and that's one of the most personal ways of communicating". This quote literally expresses my fear of election. But don't worry, I'll come through by choosing the best one, you'll see soon enough.
Phew.. Sorry for my long description of my masthead. But yeah, that was just the title, let's move on to the cover image.
As I said before, I envision something from a bird's eye view perspective, a plate or wooden board arranged with some seeds and vegetables and the main dish somewhere in the picture. I don't know yet what I'm going to help my mom cook for my cover, but I've been going through her Instagram account constantly looking for inspiration in her posts.
I've been submerging myself in youtube trying to figure out some important techniques when taking food pictures, which apparently I've heard it's not an easy task. However I found this video uploaded by Donald Skehan who has a food blog and recipe book for which he takes his own pictures and cooks his own meals. As Skehan mentions in the clip, lighting is the key factor to taking mouth-watering food pictures, especially because I don't want the dish to fade into the background or seem untidy.
Here's the video, hopefully you'll enjoy the tips as much as I did!
Well, obviously an appetizing plate requires careful composition and previous thought. That's why food presentation is considered an art for many. My mom told me yesterday that arranging the ingredients neatly before cooking is as important as the final presentation of a plate, everything has to be carefully placed when thinking on a good looking plate. I found this very interesting article that provides useful information on food presentation.
The tips that most stood out to me where:
1) Arrange in odd numbers
2) Play all the senses
3) Change up your plate ware
4) Less is more
5) Add height
6) TAKE CLUES FROM NATURE (ding ding ding goes perfectly with my genre)
7) Use contrasting colors
Okay, I'll leave it up until here for today. I'll keep you posted on the next couple of days of more advances. I think it's going to be amazing!
"Do typefaces really matter?" BBC News. BBC, 20 July 2010. Web. 16 Mar. 2017.
Niz, Ellen Sturm. "How to plate your food like a pro: Celebrity chefs share their secrets." TODAY.com. TODAY, 02 Oct. 2014. Web. 16 Mar. 2017.
"What do the colors of fruit and vegetables mean?" Dr. Smoothie Healthy Taste Sensation. N.p., 16 Oct. 2013. Web. 16 Mar. 2017.
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